Monday, 7 July 2008

Ikea - eat your heart out!

                         Hannah's garden furniture range

Model garden

During Saturday the garden model developed further: areas for seating, and best places for planting and other features perhaps like a pond, had been identified. Ideas also bubbled up to the surface for motifs and themes for artworks.
Watch this space! 


A selection of plants borrowed from Cope nursery which were described as 'pretty hardy' and 
therefore might be good choices for the Quoys garden. Janet, who works there, kindly let us borrow these to bring to make a temporary garden in the workshop studio space at the college.


An edible bracelet harvested from the cress garden we sowed on day one.  Is it only me who thinks it looks a bit like a map of Shetland?

row row row your boat

Hannah's pond....... spot the goldfish and frog!

Friday, 4 July 2008

Isn't plasticine great!

The team take in the sun 
at the Quoys site.

Maria working hard

Word garden

Big thankyou to Donald Anderson 
for the creative words session this morning

Thursday, 3 July 2008

More Team research....

Zandra and Dion's ideas for the garden space


We had a fantastic whirlwind tour round Enviroglass on our way back to Lerwick
where we got shown how they recycle Shetlands broken bottles!

Absolutely Fabulous!

Our trip to Old Scatness was great - even though it was raining and we couldn't see a thing through the mist on the way down! we found out about stones you can use as cooking pots and ancient tools and plants you can eat (silver weed is quite yummy!) use as medicine and make baskets from!!

Thursday morning

Thursday morning has been spent looking at lots of different ideas
of garden spaces, making collages and then trying things out in our

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

sky and slates

foliage and Flo

flowers and goldfish

hidden treasure

This morning we went to the Shetland museum and had a look at the different shapes and markings we could find in the collection downstairs before making some pretty funky clay tiles! We also had the exciting privilege of being amongst the first to view the St Ninians treasure on its homecoming (although i think some people preferred the stuffed cow!!) Thank you Kirsty for arranging our special visit

Paradise found

Possibly the oldest tree in the garden, a larch, frames the grove at the astonishing and inspiring Lea gardens which we visited today. We could hardly believe we were in Shetland, and the dreamy mood was enhanced by the glorious sunshine.  Rosa Steppanova, who has nurtured this garden from a bare hill, generously showed us around and left us with the feeling that anything is possible! 

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Zulu Time

Today the newly formed Created Space design team visited the other worldly Lerwick Observatory, one of a dwindling number of manned weather stations in the country.An illuminating and entertaining tour helped us consider how the particular Shetland  climate and weather patterns will influence the garden design.
Many thanks to the observatory staff, Mike and Martin, for a great time, and for providing us with the data tracked from the balloon we helped to launch in the morning.