Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Arheim 6am

The early morning sun moves onto a very peaceful Arheim. With Phase 1: the hard landscaping now complete, everyone can look forward to the next phase : installing the other vital ingredients for the garden including planting, (there's already a planter of primroses in place) and features such as the screen,  waterpiece, furniture, and artwork for the large east gable.
 The ideas for garden sketched out in the workshops last year are being realised! 


masking the designs

We tidied up the design lines using vinyl masks( thanks to 'Artmachine' in Lerwick, who donated some vinyl for this), and we were a bit sad to have pull up the strips of colour which looked great!
 Some of the original Created Space team have now moved in to the houses surrounding the garden, and it was great to see them enjoying their new home, and the space they helped to design.

Tweaking the designs

Following feedback about slippiness underfoot on some of the areas of the garden, I did some further research into etching products and application techniques, as we were not really getting the result we had hoped for initially. Some test pieces shown here illustrate at a combination of cutting, masking and etching the designs, which gave us a slightly deeper etch ( and hopefully therefore more grip) and a stronger graphic line.
We decided to use these methods throughout the slabbed areas in garden space.